Meet Triadic

Triadic Features began in 2019 when two artists with a passion for cinema and storytelling collaborated for the first time.

From that first collaboration was born an initiative to provide people with media services.

From photography to video production and editing, Triadic Features strives to provide quality services with a personal touch.

  • Creative director - Co Founder

    Saul Delgado began his cinematic journey in 2016 where he studied Multimedia Integration. Funny enough, he began editing meme videos as a joke, but quickly realised he loved editing. In 2018 he changed to a Cinema degree and is now Studying Screenwriting.

  • Photographer - Co-Founder

    Alex delved into photography in the summer of 2018. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a passion for a continuously evolving creative aesthetic. He is now completing an AEC in photography at Dawson College, specializing in portraiture.